

We’d love to connect with you at one of our many networking events. These events take place throughout the year in some of the cities w在这里 we have campuses and others with a large concentration of alumni. 

成本和活动各不相同, but the overall format is the same: it's a great opportunity to meet other WBU alums who live near you, connect and learn what is happening across the Wayland system, 了解如何参与其中并从中获得乐趣! For more details on all upcoming events, visit the Coming 活动页面.



You can give back to Wayland from w在这里ver you live by helping in the following ways:

• 我们正在寻求帮助 招聘学生 for our Texas Department of Criminal Justice scholarship as well as our new scholarship for law enforcement officers throughout the nation. Could you hand-deliver some brochures to local law enforcement entities and put in a good word for a Wayland education? We’ll supply you with all you need and send a small gift as our thanks. If you have ties to TDCJ facilities and could do the same, we’d appreciate the help.

• 我们总是需要 为我们传统的家庭校园招聘 in Plainview and our online and external campuses. Could you work a table at an education fair in your area or perhaps hand out brochures and give a brief plug for Wayland in your church youth group or the church as a whole? Our students come from all over the nation (really the world!) so w在这里ver you are is a perfect place to recruit.

If you're interested in any of the above opportunities, email Jeffrey Vera at veraj@evanmathieson.net 或致电校友办公室806-291-3600.


Our office is home to the 先锋就业中心, w在这里 we provide an online portal for alumni and students to seek out opportunities for jobs and internships around the country and in a variety of fields. 我们可以在几个方面使用你的帮助:

  • 发布职位空缺 from your place of employment and help other Wayland alums like you plug into good jobs. You know how great our alumni can be, and this helps your companies as well. T在这里 is no cost to employers to use this service; simply log on and set up an account and submit the information. 我们会接手的!
  • 注册一个账户 and use it to search out jobs for yourself if you happen to be in the job hunt (either now or down the road!) or are relocating to another part of the country. This portal provides an easy way to search for jobs by keywords or within radius of a city or zip code. T在这里 are jobs posted that have been submitted specifically to Wayland (see 搜索-My School's Jobs) or jobs that are part of a national job board connected to the College Central platform. 
  • 充分利用这些丰富的资源 on the website about updating resumes and cover letters, 提交的投资组合, 参加面试,给自己打上品牌. Information is updated regularly, so you can check back often for new tips. T在这里 are even podcasts on career and job search advice.

准备试一试? 点击这里 to get to the College Central network and begin using this valuable, free resource.


The 校友 Office is happy to provide spirit packets for teachers or school leaders who wish to promote Wayland in their classrooms or schools. 除了, youth ministers or other church staff are also welcome to a similar packet to share the Wayland opportunity with young people in their congregation. 

The packet contains pennants, posters and other WBU-branded items. 要接收数据包,请填写 这里是简短的表格 so we can keep track of w在这里 our materials are going. Thank you for showing off your 先锋的骄傲 in your community!


In our efforts to grow the reach of the Office of 校友 Relations and meet alums w在这里 they live, we hope to start Wayland 校友分会 across the country. An 校友 Chapter can be organized from the basic desire of several former Wayland students who wish to join together in a geographic area or by a shared interest or participation.

T在这里 are only a few basic requirements for chapters: Have at least 10 alumni in the area; commit to meet at least twice annually, ideally with incorporation of the aspects of fellowship, sharing of current Wayland information and collective support for university initiatives; and have an appointed point person who keeps the group connected and is the liaison to the Office of 校友 Relations.

If you are interested in starting a chapter, please contact veraj@evanmathieson.net


Our 杰出校友 Awards program recognizes alumni who have made an impact after graduation. 杰出校友 winners should make a distinctive contribution to their profession, serve in exemplary leadership roles in their community and/or demonstrate a strong loyalty to Wayland through service or giving. This honor is limited to graduates of Wayland, whether undergraduate or at the graduate level. T在这里 is a separate award for Young 校友, which includes individuals who are 35 and under. 

To nominate someone for a 杰出校友 Award, click 在这里 要访问表单.